Christian Elementary School

Christian Elementary School

At Normandie Christian Elementary School, academics are entrenched in a God-centered point of view in life, allowing students the chance to understand themselves and the world surrounding them from a biblical frame of reference. The integration of biblical faith and academic education is the primary task of the educator at NCS.
In addition to a God-centered way of learning, Normandie Christian School also adheres to the California Common Core Standards as a tool for educating students. To learn more about the Reading Common Core Standards for elementary students, click here. For more information regarding Math Common Core Standards, read about it here. Lastly, for information regarding 4th & 5th grade Math Common Core Standards, click here.
At the Normandie Christian School we employ:
Academic Core Values
Normandie Christian School aspires to select the finest instructional materials obtainable from secular and Christian publishers in order to reach its overall goals.
Our program of study integrates a biblical worldview to strengthen and increase the proficiency of core understanding and inspire Christian virtue.
The academic studies are centered around the classical teachings of absolutes and time honored ideas of human culture with an importance on the great works of western civilization.
The curriculum is based on testing the students  abilities, and skills acquired through their academic experience and mastery of basic skills.
The church, home, and school work together to provide a Kingdom focused education to guide students throughout life.