


Tuition is currently $4,000 for the school year. 
There is an additional registration fee of $350. 
10 Monthly Payments: $400.
Tuition fees must be paid via check and made out to the Normandie Christian School.
Please review our 2020-21 Normandie Christian Student/ Parent Handbook for more information regarding tuition deadlines, payment options, and academic expectations.
For more details regarding the enrollment process, please call the school office: (323) 752-3122 or contact Principal Jones at Hjones@normandiechristian.org.

Non Discrimination Policy

Normandie Christian School is committed to non-discrimination and equal opportunities in its admissions, educational programs, activities, and employment regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, and disability and shall take action necessary to ensure non-discrimination.


Normandie Christian School is proudly accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), an organization that seeks to advance Christian education by making it accessible and by advocating for Christ-centered education.
For more information about ACSO, please visit www.acsi.org.